I had been a fighting survivor rather than a born to win go getter. The difficulties I encountered is fighting my way through have shaped me into an open minded learner.
My fascination for communication technology motivated me to study Engineering. Right from my school years I was drawn to various kinds of teaching and learning methods. This interest was further intensified when I had to improve my higher secondary scores for being admitted into the Engineering course and during my struggle to improve my performance in the first two years of the undergraduate degree.
The workshops on self-improvement organized by the Transactional Analysis Study Circle of Coimbatore and its weekly meetings were a boost to my confidence. The study circle’s eclectic approach towards self-improvement, invoking various principles of psychoanalysis, helped me to assess my strengths.
With renewed self-awareness, I was able to realize the inadequacies in my technical writing and presentation skills. Under the guidance and counseling of my Professors, I was able to sort out my problems in writing and my scores in the last four semesters improved. The encouraged me to cultivate the habit of reading different authors on the same subject to gain better understanding and insight of the discipline. The laboratory classes enriched my grasp of technical concepts, for; here was an opportunity for learning by doing.
My project work on “Universal Testing System for Tensile Testing Equipment” was a team effort consisting of four students and was sponsored by M/s Premier Polytronics, R&D division, Coimbatore. We could develop a micro controller (80320, Intel-MCS51 series) based testing equipment for the post-assembly testing of the motherboard of TENSOMADD (a yarn tensile strength testing machine), with C as the front-end tool. The project facilities me in learning more about the practical aspects involved in achieving various engineering goals within the given time fade. Besides providing a rewarding technical exposure, the projects improved my ability to work in a team.
B y the time I had reached final year of my under graduation, I had developed a genuine interest for teaching and research. The primary areas of my research interest lie in Signal Processing and Neural Networks with the aid of the Internet I came to know about the research and laboratory facilities at your esteemed university. I was able to read through same the research publication and theist paper from the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory and Applied Optics Laboratory of the institute.
The innovative method of instruction, an alternative to text book learning provided by Media Design and Assessment Laboratory of the Instructional Software Development Center at UMR inspires my interest in methods of teaching and learning.
The emotional maturity I have developed over these yours through my interest in psychology and self-improvement had a direct effect on not only my academic performance but also on the personal relationships I cultivated with my peers and Professors. I am confident that graduate study at UMR is the next logical step in realizing my academic and carrier goals. After graduation, I wish to further my research my research interests by continuing my education in pursuit of a doctoral degree.
NB: Do not use the above text in your letter of intent (also known as a motivational letter or statement of purpose). You are advised to create another one. It is shown here only for giving you clear idea and knowledge about how to write best creative and interesting letter of intent.
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