I wish to introduce myself as an ambitious and young electrical engineer with intense desire to improve knowledge and abundant stamina. I would like to seek to improve my skill in technical knowledge by taking up advanced courses in information system at your university. Information System is my pet subject since my childhood. Application Programming, Database Management, E-Business & Administration have fascinated and engrossed me, ever since I joined my under graduation courses and I felt necessity of equipping myself with deeper understanding of the subject and broadening my spectrum in the mentioned field.
Therefore, I have been intruding to secure to admission in a well-reputed university, with excellent modernization and sophisticated studies, backed up with excellent laboratories, especially the research field. They’re by feeling it mandatory to the use the opportunities and facilities offered by the distinguished university like yours. I shall consider myself most fortunate, given a chance to fulfill my aspiration at your university to become a virtuoso and a seasoned campainer in the field of software development. As much, I am planning to take first M.S. in information system and later going on PhD.
What is my ken?
Engineering courses here require four year of study. During the first year of study, Students receive training in different aspects of engineering and subsequently then three year of specialization, in my case was Electrical. But I had keen interest towards computer side so I was doing computer-learning process side by side. I have strong concept on JAVA PROGRAMMING, Database Management & 2000. The rapid development in the Internet Technology inspired me to present a technical seminar on the topic E-COMMERCE” as a part of my academic curriculum and stood first. During my engineering carrier I have participated in exhibition on the software development, which were held, in our college campus.
My field interest
One of the most challenging dynamic high technology fields is Information System. The increasing use of computers in the office automation, communication Systems, process control, medicine and so forth, demand engineers capable of building such systems. I am interest in the E-Commerce & Information System Technology and providing E-Business Solution to the DOT COM companies.
My objective
The image I conjure up of my future is that a dedicated and motivated academic intensely involved in the Information System in stimulating ambience of a topnotch academic environment of yours. With my level of zeal and enthusiasm to transform my ambition into reality, I am confident of earning a place myself admits the pantheon of distinguished students in the field of Information System.
Why I am interested in your university?
Educational preparation for a career in Information System should include on overall systems viewpoint and expertise in specific sub areas. In ambition to that as this esteemed University is providing number of laboratory facilities to graduate students in the field of Information System, I feel that graduate studies in your University is logical extensions of my endeavors and the major step in achieving my objective. The main reasons for applying in your University is are the on going research in the field of my interest, presence of distinguished faculty and stimulating academic environment. With my motivation and capacity for research and enthusiasm, I am optimistic of obtaining an assistant ship from the department.
I am positive that you will share my confidence in achieving my objective. I am certain that I posses that I posses that the intelligence to envision, the knowledge to formulate, the commitment to excel and significantly the joie-de-vivre to life. I sincerely hope that my application will be considered favorable and I will be recorded the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with substantial financial assistance at your distinguished university would consider it my privilege to study and to work under such able guidance.
NB: Do not use the above text in your letter of intent (also known as a motivational letter or statement of purpose). You are advised to create another one. It is shown here only for giving you clear idea and knowledge about how to write best creative and interesting letter of intent.
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