I, Himesh Bhatt, strongly believe in these inspiring words. It has always kept the fire of determination burning in me and has inspired me against obstacles and hurdles. Right form my childhood; I have yearned to contribute an exemplary part towards the constructive development of commerce and Business, for the benefit of society. I believe that only an intensive study and comprehensive work in my field of interest would put me to the right track to achieve my goals.
My University, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, is one of the larges residential universities in India. It has a very diverse student community comprising of students from not only every state in India but also from many other countries. As a result I have had ample chance to interact with students of different ethnic origin and learn much of their cultures and customs. It was such exposure that made me realize the vastness of the opportunities available in the world for self-development. The heterogeneous mix of people I have come in contact with has only amplified my desire to learn more of the world and its business practices. This is why I opted to get an MBA in the United State of America, where, I believe, the every idea of management was born.
I have chiefly worked in team-projects although I have had a few solo projects also. But primarily I have preferred working in groups, while taking initiative and working independently o key areas of the project. This was more out of choice rather than compulsion. In my University, I have been active in various Student Association activities, in their organization as well as execution. I aspire to be able to manage bigger organizations some day. During the tenure of my work, I have had opportunity to work with different marketing executives and managers. Such experiences have really driven home the importance of teamwork. I have always believed that one never stops learning, and I have found that especially true of interpersonal skills.
When I entered my senior college my University education consisted of only 2 hours of college every day and I was resolute in my decision to derive maximum benefits out of this time available to me. Hence I decided to get employed in a business. I opted to work with an indigenous company instead of a big corporate body I realized that a more practical all-round work experience could be obtained in companies of relatively smaller scale than a company operating on a large base. Thus I chose to work with Chemcrux Enterprises Ltd, a chemical manufacturing company.
Along with my graduation I also completed a course in computers in an Institute called Aptech. The course was known as DISM (Diploma in Software Management). The programme consisted of LAN, Programming in C, Programming practices and techniques, structured system analysis and design introduction to network, programming Foxpro, Multimedia, Power-point, DOS, Windows, Excel, etc. I also took a basic knowledge of UNIX.
During my study an undergraduate, I earned the poorest grades in my academic history. Afterwards I quickly got back on track scholastically. During my job at Chemcrux Enterprises Ltd. I developed a strong penchant for subjects like marketing. This, I believe, was a turning point in my career. While I understood these principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of finance. I have grown both personally and professionally and also learned a good deal about myself as I have functioned in many diverse situations.
During the first six months of my employment I mainly worked at the basic level, getting a fee of the experience of working in a business. As time progressed, I was entrusted with more and more responsibilities, which gave me an enormous sense of satisfaction and self-worth. I have worked in close association with Mr. Irish Shah, one of the Directors of the Company when I was employed with via Chemcrux Enterprises Ltd, which gave me excellent exposure to the myriad facets of running a business. I was thus enabled to make what little contribution I could to the firm.
My success in these endeavors gave me confidence and encouragement to entertain dreams that earlier would have been unimaginable. I have grown both personally and professionally, I have also learned a good deal about myself as I have functioned in so many diverse situations. I have successfully navigated the uncharted waters of a number of unstructured situations by relying on my strong analytic skills and organizational abilities. But my conclusions are clear and I see graduate study as an excellent long term investment that would open up the widest possible range of intellectuals, lifestyle and career choice. India is currently undergoing a sea change of attitudes and industrial growth, for better. I want to be an entrepreneur, who can contribute his hit in the growing process. After completing the Master’s program, I intend working with a firm in India for three to four years and gain invaluable work experience. After that I want to venture on my own and work towards fulfilling my ambition of becoming an entrepreneur.
I have decided to apply for graduate studies in your esteemed University after carefully perusing the information brochure and considering the research interest of the faculty. Further, the academic excellence of your university will provide the perfect environment for me to fine tune my research skills and prepare for my chose career.
I am well aware of the demands and long hours of dedicated work that I will have to put in. But my experiences that have been personally encouraging until now have given me the strength and confidence to succeed in my future endeavors. I hope that you share my confidence that I will prosper in your reputed institute as well. So much depends on your favorable attention on my application.
NB: Do not use the above text in your letter of intent (also known as a motivational letter or statement of purpose). You are advised to create another one. It is shown here only for giving you clear idea and knowledge about how to write best creative and interesting letter of intent.
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