You live only once, but if you live right, once is enough. The same truth applies to one’s career decision because the career you choose is going to live with you through out your life & the education you perceive was, is & will be your most loyal friend and which will help you achieve your career goals. Moreover, education is an investment that will reap rich dividends in the future & will never go a waste. So one has to make wise career decisions in life for which he may not have to repent in the future.
I have been fortunate to attend a school in which the underlying principal was on creating good humans, people who would contribute to the welfare of mankind and would not just be users of the bounties of Mother Nature. I had a propensity for “numbers” hence; I realized that my career would veer around a field that dealt with them. I did well in school in Mathematics and later, in college I did reasonably well in subjects that dealt with Accounting. I now hungered for knowledge in a related field, management. This desire came about due to the obvious influence that a manager, good or bad has on the performance of the company that he represents. I desired to do my best by becoming an expert in a field that I had an active interest in, management.
This interest of mine was given a serious vent when after graduation, I joined a company as a trainee because before getting a management degree, it is prudent that one gets a feel of the corporate management world to know what it takes to become a successful manager before opting for a career in this field. My desire to know more of the big world of managers saw me carefully observing what makes the decisions of the managers, who manage the companies, more successful & pragmatic. I realized that experience did play a major role in their success, but what was more important was that they came from recognized schools of business. Their decisions were based on simulated conditions in classroom discussions and on the basis of their peer’s experiences that were also shared in the class. This made my determination towards doing MBA stronger & very soon, it became a passion and to this end, I have decided to apply to your University.
I see myself passing out from your esteemed business school as one of the best students ever and two to three years hence, I would like to join a professional management team in a M.I.S. department catering to the requirements of the decision making managers. After working with these managers for a couple of years & after having known the exact requirements of these managers as far as their information requirements are concerned, I wish to see myself setting up a consultancy firm dealing with ‘my own’ esteemed clients’ information needs of setting up an information, which would be very user friendly & would have the least complex technicalities. This I know would require an expertise, a thorough knowledge of the subjects & practical experience, but I confident of my capabilities & my strong will power. I wish to succeed by serving my clients in such a manner that will go back satisfied and happy with the solution provided to them.
Besides this passion for management, I also have a liking for arts, music & above all, the exciting world of computers. As far as art is concerned whenever I am free, I love to do c relate murals on some mundane motifs or may be some conventional motifs. I am also a great fan of Indian pop music, which has become an ultimate music in India with many new upcoming artists thriving to establish themselves. To satisfy my thirst for knowledge in the world of computers, I joined Concourse Information Technology International Limited to complete the Oracle Financials, and E.R.P (Enterprise Resource Planning) package developed by Oracle Corporation & Oracle (R.D.B.M.S) with Developer/2000, as it’s front end.
For getting a management degree I believe that the USA is the ideal location for me to apply to. This is the place where most of the fortune 500 companies are located; it is a place where the computer was invented, where the world of computers is the most developed and this has led me to the hallowed shore of America. With the proven ability & skills of the esteemed teachers of your university, I am sure that my career will be easily molded in the right way. I am very excited by the highly flexible curriculum that Your University has and I look forward to learning under some of the most recognized names in the world of management. I look forward to learning under some of the most recognized names in the world of management in Information Systems and hope to be counted among the one the better alumni on passing.
NB: Do not use the above text in your letter of intent (also known as a motivational letter or statement of purpose). You are advised to create another one. It is shown here only for giving you clear idea and knowledge about how to write best creative and interesting letter of intent.
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